Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Abrivation In Machine Translation

1 AT Adequate Translation

2 HAMT Human Aided machine Translation

3 HT Human Translation

4 MAHT Machine Aided Human Translation

5 MT Machine Translation

6 RL Receptor Language

7 SL Source Language

8 SLT Source Language Text

9 TL Target Language

10 TLT Target Language Text

11 A Adjective

12 ALO Allomorph

13 ALPAC Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee

14 ART Article

15 ATN Augmented Translation

16 CAT Category

17 CEC Commission Of European Communities

18 CETA Centre d Etudes pour la tradition Automatipue

19 CLS Conditional Limitique Semantics

20 COP Copular

21 CPU Central Processing Unit

22 CSIR Common Sense In Ference Rule

23 Det Determiner

24 FS Function Syntactique

25 GB Government and Binding

26 GETA Group d Etudes Pour la Traducation automatique

27 GN Group nominal

28 GOV Governor

29 Indobj Indirect Object

30 INST Instrument

31 IR Inter Mediate ( or Interface ) Representation

32 LDB Lexical Database

33 LDCS Lexical Data Control System.

34 LHS Left hand side

35 LRC Linguistic research Centre

36 LS Limited Semantics

37 LSP Language For Special purposes

38 MAT Machine Aided Translation

39 N Noun

40 NP Noun phrase

41 NBR Number

42 OCR Optical Character Recognition

43 PAT Patient

44 PHVB Phrase Verbal (VP)

45 SP Spell Checking

46 GC Grammar Cheeking

47 CR Character Recognition

48 OCR Optical Character Recognition

49 WK World knowledge

50 GC Grammar Categories

51 CF Contextual Features

52 FAGPMS Fully Automatic General Purpose Machine Translation System

53 DMTS Direct Machine Translation System

54 AI Artificial Intelligence

55 TGG Transformational Generative Grammar

56 CG Case Grammar

56 PG Paninian Grammar

57 MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development

58 NL Natural Language

59 NLI Natural Language Interface

60 ACL Association of Computational Linguistics

61 FOL First Order Logic

62 TMS Terminology Management System

63 EBMT Example based Machine Translation

64 HTML Hypertext Mark-up Language

65 DBCS Double byte Character Set

67 MI Mutual Information

68 RTF Rich Text Format

69 TM Translation Memory

70 TMX Translation Memory Exchange

71 XML Extensible Mark-up Language

72 MA Morphological Analyser Synthesis

73 MS Morphological Synthesis

74 BD Bilingual Dictionary

75 CT Computational Techniques

76 GTA General Translation Approach

78 LT Linguistic Techniques

79 PSG Phrase Structure Grammar

80 SF Semantic Features

81 ALA Allomorphic Lexical Analysis

82 AE Application Envirment

83 HL High Level

84 LL Low Level

85 MG Morphological Generation

86 ST Structural Transfer

87 TXT Text sentence

89 CS Complex sentence

90 S Sentence

91 VP Verb phrase

92 PREV Preverbal Field

93 VG Verbal phrase

94 POST Post verbal Field

95 CNG Complex Noun group

96 RELC Relative Clause

97 Nog Nominal Group

98 Pg Prepositional Group

99 Fiv Finite Verb form

100 Rel Relative word

101 POS Part of Speech

102 PS Production systemc

103 PS Preference Semantics

104 PW Principal word

105 RHS Right Hand Side

106 RL Relation Logique (Logical Relation)

107 RT Root of Transition Network

108 SING Singular

109 SL Source Language

110 TAUM Traduation Automatioqu De l`Universite de Montr`eal

111 TG Transformational Grammar

112 TG Topical glossary ( in SYSTRAN)

113 TL Target Language

114 TR Transformational Rule

115 TS Transformational System

116 UL 0Unite Lexical ( Lexical Unit )

117 VP Verb Phrase

118 WSD Word sense Disambiguation

119 RA Relational Ambiguity

120 RDBMS Relational Database Management System

121 TD Terminology Databank

123 SA Syntactic analyser

124 SA Sema ntic Analyser

125 CA Contextual Analyser

126 CD Contextual Analyser

127 CD Conceptual Dictionary

128 LFG Lexical Functional Grammar

129 SLD Source Language Dictionary

140 TLD Target Language Dictionary

141 STTMT Statistical machine Translation

142 UCSG Universal Clause Structural Grammar

143 UNL Universal Networking Language

144 TT Target Text

145 ST Source Text

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